Bit Gen Gamer Fest 5 Weblog

This was a video game culture festival. I wasn't really excited about spending an entire day there before going but ended up having a lot of fun. I bought a lot of CDs as well. This will become a yearly event for me. Oh, and the Popey arcade game is as hard as I remembered it to be.

Official Website

Armadillo Tank - I bought the "We Are Not Men".
Rare Candy - I bought "Bomber Blue".
The X Hunters
Year 200X
The OneUps - I bought "Volume 1&2 Combo Pack".
This Place is Haunted
The Megas
Entertainment System - I bought the "Rock n Roll Cereal EP".
Makeup and Vanity Set
The Protomen - I bought "Makeup and Vanity Set Presents The Protomen".
Power Glove
with Brentalfloss as Master of Ceremonies
and DJ Cutman spinning in Artist's Alley - I bought the disk he put together for this show.

Artists' Alley
Kevin Bolk - I forgot to go back to his booth when I was buying things at Otakon. Thankfully he was here, too. I got the first issue of "Trigger Star".